Saturday, October 15, 2016

Are we living in a program?

I read a very interesting article called, "Are we living in a computer simulation?" This article talked about how everything in this world and universe is actually a giant computer prgoram and that everything is virtual. This idea was very intriguing to me because the thought of everything being virtual seemed impossible. The article gave reasons that support the idea that everything in reality is actually virtual because it said that the more we learn about the universe the more mathematical laws the universe seems to be made out of and that the universe is a function of the nature we live in. When I read this statement I also started to believe that reality is virtual because computer games are just functions and everything in the universe is math related like functions and comparing computer games to the universe makes a lot of sense because of the mathematics involved in both. The article also said that there is a 50/50 chance that our entire existence is a program and if that is true then that means that there is a programmer and the programmer is God. My english teacher gave a great analogy to a student that couldn't believe this at all by telling him that graphics in games have been getting better overtime and if we are programmed, we were programmed over a long period of time, so the graphics are going to be very good which would make everything seem realistic. I also have an analogy and it is that since the graphics in games started off to be very simple and then more complex it's like the growth of human life forms from cavemen to present day humans. After reading this article I also have a feeling that we might just be programs from God.

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